Guest post from Adelaide Poschelk, a clinical Naturopath based in Currumbin on the Gold Coast.
Can you detox overnight?
Ok would you like the good news or the bad news? Let’s start with the bad… The bad news is unfortunately as enticing as it sounds, you can’t (nor do you want to) detox overnight.
To support your health, detoxification is best done in a slow and steady manner and most of all, on a daily basis. Detoxing too quickly involves a very intense regime where you would likely be in pain, nauseous and in extreme discomfort. Let’s support your vital organs, not stress them out!
Both “detoxing” or “cleansing” have been popular terms amongst the health industry for quite some time and unfortunately, often for the wrong reasons. These terms seem to be used as a solution for a “quick fix” to lose weight or “erase” a bad decision and we’re not buying into that toxic outlook.
Instead, let’s look at the key benefits on why supporting your detoxification pathways should be a top priority for supporting your health.
5 signs you would benefit from a cleanse
- You’re fatigued
- Experiencing brain fog
- Skin concerns (acne, breakouts, rashes)
- Bowel motions are irregular (e.g. constipation/diarrhoea) and you have bloating
- Painful periods
Now, it’s important to remember that the way toxins work is they build up and accumulate on a daily basis. We are all exposed on some degree so don’t feel like you’re doing something drastically wrong. Common methods of exposure are food, water, occupation (e.g. hairdresser, tradie etc), cosmetics, clothing, environment etc.
Your body does it’s best to support you via it’s own filtration system (e.g. your liver, kidneys, bowel motions, urinary output, skin, lymphatic system) but sometimes, it just needs a little helping hand.
How to help your body detox
First up - you want gentle, daily support. You don’t want to go hard and fast, slow and steady wins the race to ensure there isn’t high burden on the body. Below I have listed 3 tips to aid your natural detoxification pathways!
Dry Brushing
Great to stimulate lymphatic flow for toxin removal. You can use a natural bristle brush and gently apply pressure. Brush towards your heart using long, sweeping motions and repeat every 2 - 3 days.
Daily Movement
Daily movement reduces stagnation. Stagnation = toxins sit comfortable without any pressure to move out. Aim for a 15 - 20 minute walk per day minimum.
Detox Support Juice
This juice is not only so delicious, it also aids detoxification. Complete with energising minerals and lemon to stimulate your digestive juices, this recipe is great to support cleansing, breakdown of food and nutrient absorption.
Simply blend:
- 1 beetroot
- 2 lemons
- 3 - 5 stalks of celery
- A few slices of pineapple
- + add coconut water
*Note: if you don’t have a juicer, you can easily blend in a Nutrabullet and use a mesh bag to squeeze out the juice.

About Adelaide
Adelaide is a clinical Naturopath based in Currumbin on the Gold Coast. She offers in person and online consultations and has a special interest in detoxification, women’s health, the gut and nervous system concerns.
Instagram: @beginagain.naturopathy & @bybeginagain
TikTok: @bybeginagain
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