Why we shouldn’t be drinking coffee on an empty stomach - Chief Nutrition

Why we shouldn’t be drinking coffee on an empty stomach

Updated: Feb 21, 2025Chief Nutrition

The best part about a morning coffee is the ritual of it, so don’t worry - I'm not here to tell you to stop drinking it!! BUT drinking it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is the furthest thing from ideal when it comes to gut, hormonal and nervous system health. Let’s break it down... 

Understanding Cortisol: The stress response.

Cortisol is a stress hormone responsible for maintaining the body's adaptation to stress via a multitude of mechanisms. Cortisol levels typically rise in the morning, this is GOOD because we need that spike to literally get us out of bed in the morning. However, the chronic release of cortisol (caused by everyday stressors, excess caffeine or intense exercise) is the true issue at hand.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it creates neural excitation in the brain. When consumed appropriately (aka after food and within an appropriate dose), caffeine is perfectly fine to include in your morning routine. BUT! If consumed daily on an empty stomach - especially if this is combined with high intensity movement in the morning is not ideal for our hormones, gut and nervous system. Let's have a look as to why:

Coffee on an empty stomach: Nervous System, Gut, and Hormones:

  • Stress Response: The extra cortisol surge from coffee on an empty stomach can exacerbate the body's stress response. Coffee metabolises much quicker without food in your stomach so it can spike cortisol and adrenaline and you may find the effect of the coffee may feel stronger (cue the anxiety and energy crash).
  • The impact on the gut: Coffee is acidic in nature, and can irritate the stomach lining especially on an empty stomach! It can also suppress your appetite which is not ideal because breakfast is important.*
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Coffee can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones, this is particularly due to the interrelationship between stress hormones and sex hormones (oestrogen and progesterone). Our hormones do not like fasting - they need nourishment which reiterates again that coffee does not ever equal breakfast!

*If you're fasting, it can be useful to enjoy a black coffee during your fast, although technically coffee it is not a strict fast and it depends on your goals. At the end of the day drinking coffee on an empty stomach just isn't great in general for your hormones. If you're following a keto diet, you may like to add MCT oil, organic grass-fed butter, or organic ghee to your coffee for an extra boost. However, if your current health goal is to nourish your nervous system, we suggest having your coffee with food - read on for more!

How to still enjoy coffee while taking care of your health!

Okay this is the section we have all probably been waiting for. How can we enjoy our morning cuppa without wrecking havoc on our hormones and gut (it is possible).

  1. Hydrate first thing in the morning: Do not reach for a coffee until you have drunk at least two glasses of water!! Adequate hydration is key for energy support throughout the entire day.
  2. Have your coffee with FOOD: I know this can be hard, I see it all the time in clinic !!! It’s hard to change because it’s an ingrained habit but let’s work on this together. Having something easy before your morning coffee such as a Chief Collagen Bar (Choc Salted Caramel is my fav), is the perfect nutrient dense option which will leave you feeling satisfied and fill your stomach with something quality before the first sip of coffee hits. Why the chief bar is superior to most morning snacks is because it contains protein and healthy fats to keep you focused and satiated before you get around to making a full breakfast.
  3. Wait at least 30 minutes if you can after waking: This gives your body time to wake up naturally, allows that natural rise in cortisol to slowly decrease and gives you time to drink your water!

    So there you have it, a Chief collagen bar and your morning coffee is the perfect pair. Of course as a Naturopath, it is always best to prioritise breakfast especially a protein rich meal such as eggs and avocado however, sometimes we are flying out the door so we need that convenience!

    Really wanting coffee to be the first thing you enjoy in the morning? Try our Peanut Butter Collagen Coffee, so you can enjoy your brew for a smoother start to your morning. Your stomach will thank you later!


    Adaptive Naturopathy
    BHSc Naturopathy Student



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