Ab HIIT Workout

Ab HIIT Workout

Updated: Mar 26, 2024Veronika Larisova

Give your abs some love with this 10 minute Ab HIIT Workout with Chief ambassador and NETFLIX Beastmaster Season 3 Finalist, Mark Edward.
Four sets of:
  • 30 seconds - V Crunch
  • 30 seconds - Plank / Knee to Opposite Elbow
  • 30 seconds - V Sit / Ankle Tap
  • 30 seconds - Mountain Climbers
  • 30 seconds - Rest
If you can’t do the exercise for the full 30 seconds, take a 5 second break and continue.
For more like this follow @mark_edward_g and check out Mark in action as a Finalist on NETFLIX's Beastmaster Season 3. Get in the best shape of your life and stay that way!

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