The Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods: Navigating Health in the Age of Convenience

The Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods: Navigating Health in the Age of Convenience

Updated: Sep 17, 2024Veronika Larisova

In today's world, the way we eat has changed drastically, with ultra-processed foods becoming a staple in diets everywhere. This is exactly what led us to start Chief—to combat the rise of these unhealthy options. Two recent scientific studies highlight just how harmful these foods can be.

Over the past 75 years, ultra-processed foods have taken over, affecting not just individual health but entire communities. These foods include everything from packaged snacks and fizzy drinks to instant noodles and ready-made meals, all of which are convenient but come at a serious cost to our well-being.

What are Ultra Processed Foods?

Many of these foods are marketed as ‘health products,’ but they’re mostly made from chemically altered ingredients, with added flavors, textures, and preservatives to make them last longer and taste better—often with little to no actual whole foods involved. Did you know that most 'protein' and 'energy' bars are just ultra-processed junk? 

These ultra-processed foods are designed to be irresistible, loaded with calories from refined carbs and industrial fats, yet lacking in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They’re convenient, cheap, and everywhere, which makes them incredibly profitable for big food companies. This is why they dominate the market.

The real problem? Eating this way has become so normal in the Western world that most people consume junk food daily without a second thought. In fact, a diet made up entirely of whole foods is now seen as extreme!

What's wrong with Ultra Processed Foods? Why should we avoid them?

Increased consumption of ultra-processed foods has contributed to the rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity, diabetes, colon cancer, PCOS and cardiovascular disease via changes in the gut microbiome, increased inflammation and malnutrition.

How can you be malnourished from eating these foods? It's because they are high in calories but very low in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and often protein. So although they usually provide more calories than you need, they leave you starving for essential micronutrients. And this is how you can become overweight and malnourished at the same time with symptoms like fatigue, weakened immunity, and poor organ function.

It’s shocking that 42-58% of energy intake in Australia comes from ultra-processed foods! Our obesity and overweight stats have been rising accordingly. Currently, 2 in 3 (67%) are living with overweight or obesity. This is approximately 12.5 million adults. 31% are living with obesity, and 12% are living with severe obesity.

The rise of ultra-processed foods is not only a health concern but also a sustainability issue. The industrial processes involved in their production have significant environmental footprints, contributing to biodiversity loss, climate change, and resource depletion.

Plant based alternatives are part of the issue

The transition towards these convenience foods has been accelerated by the commercial food industry's push towards plant-based alternatives. However, this "great plant transition" often involves even more ultra-processed products, lacking in essential nutrients while laden with harmful additives.

For example, plant-based meat alternatives, often made from soy protein isolate rich in isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen, raise concerns due to their potential adverse effects on development, reproduction, and mental health, particularly in males.

These products, including supermarket beef patties containing up to 30% textured soy protein, may contribute to hidden isoflavone consumption. Despite industry claims disputing the classification of these products as ultra-processed or soy isoflavones as endocrine disruptors, the impact of soy isoflavones on human health and remains under debate.

Additionally, the expansion of the plant-based beverage industry, with sales exceeding billions globally, introduces environmental and nutritional concerns. Furthermore, the nutrient deficiencies and high content of sugar and gut-damaging additives such as emulsifiers in plant based alternatives to milk, cheese and meat are concerning. 

What can be done about it?

Discussions from the Nova Network planetary health meeting on the "Future of Food" highlighted the need to rethink our food systems. The meeting emphasised the historical context of diets designed for planetary health, which advocated for whole foods and minimally processed foods (our entire range is based on whole foods and minimally processed). It also explored the impact of ultra-processed food technology in creating plant-based protein alternatives that may not align with health or environmental benefits.

The rise of ultra-processed foods has been tied to a host of health issues, with shifting eating habits increasing lifelong health risks. Aggressive marketing aimed at young children plays a huge role, shaping food preferences and driving consumption patterns that contribute to the global surge in non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

What's even more concerning is that the eating habits we develop early in life can cause changes in our DNA, passing these health risks down to future generations.

However, despite these challenges, the articles suggest that change is possible. The solution lies in collaboration between individuals, communities, and the food industry to create a healthier future.

Emphasising the consumption of whole, minimally processed foods and supporting sustainable food systems can mitigate our current dietary habits' health and environmental impacts.


Chief Note
Sometimes, it is hard to identify ultra-processed foods due to the misleading health claims on their packaging. You can recognise ultra-processed foods by becoming a pack flipper and reading the ingredient labels on packaged products. Download our free e-book, How to Read Food Labels, and learn to become your own food expert.

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Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses

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