Full Body Plyo Box Workout - Chief Nutrition

Full Body Plyo Box Workout

Updated: Feb 21, 2025Veronika Larisova

Full body workout from our free Chief Life Challenge, for more sign up here!

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Warm up:

  • 5 x down dog to cobra
  • 5 x runners lunge e/s
  • 10 x knee floats
  • 10 x sit ups
  • 10 x squats


Compound sets, 10 reps of each exercise, 3x through:

  1. Push Ups + Tricep Dip
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat x5 each side + Hip Bridges
  3. Prone Leg Raises + Step Ups

Too hard?

  1. Push Ups on your knees + Tricep Dip bend your knees
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat x5 each side + Hip Bridges
  3. Prone Leg Raises + Step Ups

Too easy?

  1. Push Ups with feet together, one leg up, decline push up + Tricep Dip 
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat x5 each side holding dumbbells + Hip Bridges with dumbbell on hips
  3. Prone Leg Raises with dumbbell between ankles/feet + Step Ups holding dumbbells

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